Facebook has a plethora of cool features available in addition to just posting a status or a photo. What is beyond that? If you look on your Status bar you will see 3 different icons: a pencil, a camera, and that mysterious ellipsis. What happens if you click it? Many people were not brave enough to click it, so we did for you. Below you will find out.
1) Offer
Offer your fans more. Create an offer here instead of through Ads Manager. Using an engaging photo or a logo, make your offer valuable to your fan. Give them a small discount or product for being your fan, or use the holiday season to give away freebies or discounts. This can also raise awareness on a sale you are already currently running.
2) Event
You want to be where the people are, right? According to Facebook, 47 million public events were created last year, and 35 million users view public events each day. Events bring people together, so now is the time to create your event. Having a grand opening or a Halloween party? Let people know by inviting them to your event and encouraging them to invite their friends. There is also a handy Facebook events best practice PDF make sure to click on that. Here are some of the highlights: 41% of Facebook users in the U.S. engage with public events each month, they are really easy to create, add a photo and a date and you are almost done, and sell tickets through Facebook to set your ideal audience.
3) Milestones
Milestones are a fun way to share your major events with your fans . This goes onto a timeline that you can find in your about tab. Examples include opening dates, new products, or moving days. Share your past successes with your fans and give them a good idea where you are going.
4) Facebook Note
Facebook has made their notes phenomenal and has not told anyone so we are telling you. It is like a mini landing page without leaving the browser or opening a new tab. This was inspired by a post Buffer created with Facebook Notes. Facebook Notes has a clean layout and loads quickly. This gives you another way to share content with your audience. There are many ways to utilize this feature. Buffer used it as another platform to share their blog, and we thought of listings for real estate and to introduce new products.
These four Facebook features will increase the ways to communicate with your audience and continue to give them the variety of content they want which. This in turn will keep them loyal. Check back weekly for GreatLike Media blogs on social media marketing strategies.