Email marketing has emerged as one of the best channels to market your product and brand. With thousands of emails being sent each day, just imagine the reach your messages can have directly. “A message is 5x more likely to be seen in email than via Facebook”- Radicati. Kim Stiglitz of states “Email marketing is the king of the marketing kingdom with a 3800% ROI and $38 for every $1 spent.” If that isn’t enough to start considering an email marketing campaign, continue reading for more!
The pros of email marketing are sitting in plain sight. The first is of course how inexpensive it is compared to the amount of revenue and interaction you get in return, compared to other media channels. Tracking your email campaign is as easy as counting to three! You can track how many of your emails have been delivered, opened, etc. via your email campaign distributor such as MailChimp. Emails can also lead traffic to your website, engaging them with your product and offerings, but be careful as too much email marketing can be your demise!
Certain inboxes have the ability to trace whether an email is being sent in bulk, and can automatically send your message to the spam folder. Make sure that when you are sending out emails that it is spread out through the day to bypass this. Also those emails that constantly spam the consumers inbox can result in unsubscribing or being blocked by the user. This can harm the way your consumer views your product and brand. As long as your emails contain personalization as well as a well-received message, consumers will engage in your email.
Our personal site for conducting email marketing campaigns is called MailChimp. It allows us to easily create good-looking and informative emails to our clients as well as the ability to track how our campaign is doing. Remember that when creating emails to personalize to the consumer as well as not including too much information. The simpler it is the better.
Thinking about creating an email campaign and would like some help creating and distributing it to your clients? At GreatLike Media we can assist you in all of your marketing needs! Give us a call and one of our helpful representatives will be glad to help you.