Instagram touts “Our focus with every product we build is to make Instagram a place where people come to connect and be inspired. Building Instagram as a business will help us better serve the global—and ever growing—Instagram community, while maintaining the simplicity you know and love.”
The smartphone world is expanding rapidly with 5 billion mobile phones in the world, more than 1.08 billion are smartphone users, and 91.4 million are from the United States.
There are many phone apps these days that are successful because it is user-friendly and it is a form of social media for friends to communicate with each other. Several companies are taking it to another level where they are starting to allow businesses to communicate with people on a mobile device. Instagram Advertising will be an example.
Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to share them on a variety of social media networking platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and more.
Instagram began to test the waters with advertising by opening up their platform a year and a half ago to a few trusted marketing partners. Instagram did not immediately roll out their advertising services to everyone to keep their number one priority intact — the sharing of high quality, creative, engaging images. However, on September 9, 2015, Instagram announced that it will get serious about ads because they are opening platforms to all.
The reason that Instagram is starting this is because advertising on Instagram is cheaper than advertising on its Parent Company, Facebook. It would also be easier to target specific audience since there is an existing exploring function which recommends photos and videos based on what the user has previously liked and who they are following. This will allow businesses to narrow down their audience and focus on specific segment of the market.
This will be a huge impact on Instagram users and it would be interesting to see if they are in favor of this or not.