
July 14, 2022

5 Reasons Why SEO is Necessary for Online Businesses

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of increasing the search visibility of a website in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing when users type in respective keywords. In the recent technological era, most of the work of the people is done online. This increase has also brought an increase to online business owners, which directly results in an increase of competition in the digital world.

March 17, 2022

Informative Websites Generate More Than Attractive Websites

Everybody will use the internet in 2022. What kind of websites do you enjoy more? The ones which have better content, or the ones that look better? The Differences An informative website is a website that provides useful or interesting information. In other words, a website that contains excellent content. This article explains why you …

February 24, 2022

Effective Ways to Reduce Bounce Rates In Google Analytics

Bounce rate in Google Analytics is a key performance indicator (KPI) of a website’s quality and relevance. Are you worried because your website has a very high bounce rate? Don’t worry; we will explain some highly effective ways to reduce your bounce rates in this article. What Are Reasonable Bounce Rates? In an ideal world, …

January 28, 2022

Important Lessons from Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines for Webmasters

It is no secret that Google uses its algorithms to rank websites on the internet. Google has automated bots that always collect data from the web and rank websites based on that information. However, Google does hire some digital contractors as well. The Quality raters use Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines to rank websites based on …